Vegan, half Polish, Feminist. Wannabe writer. This is my life.

Monday, 29 November 2010

Why is the world we live in so superficial?  In being superficial and vain, we are making it even harder for future generations.  It feels like society has forgotten about important issues and are way to concerned about their appearances and in material objects.  I am too, at times, guilty in being absorbed in myself and my appearances.  However, my issues about myself are the result of people being so judgemental.  Whenever I go to work without wearing make up, I get questioned all day by my fellow colleagues (predominately, men) if I am feeling okay.  Yes, I'm okay, I decided not to wear make up, that's all.  I have to be stubborn with myself.  I mainly only wear make up in fear over judgement, I'm learning not to care.  I have decided from now on, only to wear make up if I really want to, me, not for other people and their expectations.  It makes me angry to read how women are viewed as being sex objects rather then subjects.  This concept is absurd, surely?  Are men just sex objects to women?  When I see men generally, I never really see or feel anything.  I don't judge them or consider their status in society, cos I don't care.  But I see it happening, I see people judging other people all the time.  You cannot judge anyone by their appearances or looks.  Women are absolutely terrible at judging other women.  I wonder if they have learnt this from men?   I know that ad campaigns are targeted at women ferociously, lowering their self esteem and make them think that they must look attractive like the models shown, however, attractive in these adverts is just not normal.  Women feel that they are liberating themselves by making themselves look super attractive, however, this is not liberating as they are conforming to an unrealistic beauty ideal that does not exist for most of the female population.  And, why is it that women are expected to conform to this way?  Why cant they be allowed to live free of judgement and expectations. I want to be care free and loose in my way of thinking and don't want valuable brain space wasted on useless thoughts such as these superficial ones that creep in occasionally.

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