First thought when I woke up this morning was "is he really so ashamed to be with me?", I could not help it. My feelings of insecurity and jealousy have been so heightened over the last few days, I feel like I don't really know anything anymore. I am kind of fed up of reading about my partner on another girls social networking site, the right thing for me to do is to stop looking at it. However, I cant, its like looking at a car crash and its victims splashed out all over the road amongst the debris. The only thing being, that car crash is my life and my relationship. Why does she feel she has this right to make it all so public? That's my life she is talking about so harshly. She feels she has been wronged in some way. What about me? I wasn't aware of her existence either, at least her partner of nearly three years didn't lie to her.
Today was a wasted day. I'm wasting all my energy on these feelings and thoughts. Had a terrible headache in the afternoon that saw me go to bed for a few naps to try to sleep it off. After the second nap I woke up and realised I hadn't drank any coffee all day so I had two cups tonight and my headache disappeared. I am now all slept out, wired on coffee when really I should be getting some sleep for my eight am start at work. So, do I take those sleeping pills Lee offered to me?
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